Welcome to the Westwood Heath Residents Association website.

Dear Residents
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the website of Westwood Heath Residents’ Association. Our Association was formed because of mounting frustration locally at the uncontrolled development of Westwood Heath and adjacent areas, leading to worsening traffic chaos. However, I very much hope that, through coming together, we can develop to become the representation of the heart and soul of this thriving community.
The Association was formed in late 2017 and has rapidly grown to become a focal point for the community in representing its views and voicing opinions. I hope that it has brought the community closer together and will also provide a mechanism for us to become more aware of local issues and be more actively involved in consultations - be able to influence future direction rather reacting to what is handed down.
Please do join us if you have not done so already.
Ian Stevenson
Westwood Heath Residents Association